Returns & exchanges

Important information for returns & exchanges

We always strive for all our customers to be satisfied and therefore hope that you like what you have bought from us! If you want to exchange something or make a return, it is fine as long as it is within 14 days of receiving your order.

All items sent back to us will be inspected and must be in perfect condition for a return or exchange to go through. The product must therefore not be used and must be returned in the same condition as it is received. In the event of a refused return/exchange, we will send the item back to you.

How to make a return

If you want to return one or more items, you can click here. Fill in the form and send it to us, after you have done that we will send you a pre-paid waybill in the form of a QR code via email. You can have this QR code printed out by a postal agent, then stick it on the delivery note on the package and hand it in to the postal agent. As we do not offer free returns, we will deduct a charge from your refund. The cost of the return is 50 SEK.
Please keep the tracking number and receipt for the return in case your package does not reach us.

How to make an exchange 

If you would like to exchange your item for something else, you can do so by filling in the form here. You can exchange your item for anything in stock with free shipping.

After we receive the form, we will send you a QR code with a pre-paid waybill. Print the waybill at a post office and then stick it on the package, then drop off the package at a post office.

After we receive your exchange, we will inspect the item and then ship the item you exchanged it to. If you want to exchange what you bought for an item with a different price, we direct you to make a return.

Refund varies depending on payment method and bank. We will send a refund as soon as we receive your return, this can take up to 10 working days.